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walking on water

I wish I could remember exactly how it came out of the four-year-old's mouth, how she said it as we were recounting Sunday school lessons at the supper table tonight, but it was something to the effect of "Peter was walking on the water and he was sinking, but Jesus was walking on the water too and He helped him up." Wherever we are... Jesus is there too. I think it's the way she said it, almost as if she had said, "Peter was walking down the road, and Jesus was walking down the road too..." which would have been more plausible and realistic. But she said it in such a way that it came out sounding like Peter was walking on the water, and Jesus just happened to be there walking too, and helped him out. Which, of course, we know is impossible except that we also know that Jesus has the ability to be all things at all times to us. And so wherever we are, He is present there.

This encourages me as I go into my week... that wherever I am, He is present -- or at least as present as we want Him to be. We are invited into security and communion with Him, and it is up to us how we allow His presence to impact our day.


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