the city
We took the train to the city the other day, and as it often goes when you’re outside of your normal, it was good for all of our perspectives on life. When you drive on the road to somewhere, you’re driving by the front of the houses, I told the boys. You see the best parts of all the towns. When you ride the train, you go behind – through the backyards, through the alleys, through the industrial parks. The railroad takes you back.
We pulled into Union Station and as their feet found old tile floors, their eyes went up – up to the high, arched ceilings supported by huge pillars built so long ago. I followed their faces as they went up, and then up further, in awe of the structure. We climbed stairs to the street level and stepped outside and again – their gazes went further upward. Surrounded by buildings so tall, we are suddenly small – which is good for us to remember again, because often in these past days, we have unfortunately forgotten. It is easy, flanked by fields of corn and the same things each day, to forget that there are so many people doing so many things, and to forget how each and every one of them was created and is known and loved by the Father.
Maybe this is a good summary of how forty days of writing has worked in my heart – it has forced me on a journey through some of the alleys of my heart. It has unearthed egocentrism in me and at the same time shown me how small I really am, how completely fabricated is the idea that there is any world at all revolving around me. As each encounter with Jesus does, it has forced my gaze upward, my heart more open, and the obedience standard raised higher.
“Upon that cross of Jesus, Mine eye at times can see
The very dying form of One who suffered there for me
And from my smitten heart with tears, Two wonders I confess
The wonders of His glorious love, And my own worthlessness.
-Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Two wonders here that I confess
My worth, and my unworthiness
My value fixed, my ransom paid
At the cross.
-My Worth is Not in What I Own
Beneath the cross – bowed before Him – that is where we find ourselves truly centered.
