sounds of a life
The squeak of the outdoor faucet and thud of the water pump at 6:24 almost every morning on the dot... Ivory is doing chicken chores and a new day has begun.
The slow shuffle of feet coming down the stairs.
Voices requesting breakfast, milk poured over cereal.
The door slams as Titus goes to feed Arrow.
The door slams as they are in and out, gathering backpacks and papers and chromebooks.
"The bus!!!"
Brief quiet, as I consider what the day will hold.
The microwave to re-warm myself coffee that brewed this morning for Grant long before I got up.
The wind, ever-present, howls through cracks and crevices in old farmhouse walls and floors.
Some whining.
Bath water running in a blue, sun-filled tub with bubbles.
Splashing and imaginary play.
"Mom, I'm ready to be washed!!"
The washing machine and dryer running cycles.
The door slamming as Grant comes in for more coffee.
The wind again as we head outside to load up for preschool.
The click of the car seat.
"Bye mom!" at preschool drop-off (she will not miss me for the next couple of hours)
The quiet in the van as I drive to Peoria.
City sounds, errands.
All the thoughts swirling around in my head (sometimes those can be loud, even when they're silent)
"How is it going?" to a friend at preschool pick-up.
The squeak open of the mailbox and crinkling plastic packages.
Rubber on gravel up the lane.
Doors slamming in the wind.
Water in the washing machine churning again for another load.
The bus rumbles in.
More doors slamming.
Three sets of feet across the floor and back.
"How was your school day?"
"Good. What can we have for snack?"
Some more whining about something.
Guitars, piano.
More wind.
"Mom, did you know that today is the first day of spring!"
