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nurturing the image of God in them

Each interaction we have with others has the potential to nurture or destroy the image of God in them. It's been running through my head since a recent HarvestCall presentation at church, and such an important and applicable reminder for my parenting. If ever I lack vision, this I can fall back on: that my role as a mother is to nurture the image of God in my children.

It actually simplifies so many things and helps me so much as I work through decisions - even down to what to put in their Easter baskets that we will gift them. What are the things that they are interested in and pursuing right now that I see as growing them closer to the Lord? How do I encourage, guide, and steer them in what they spend their time on, such that they could be spending their time doing things that God has created them specifically and uniquely to do, and things that glorify Him in their lives?

It gives me pause when I respond to them, tempted sometimes to snap or to be harsh, but desiring not to destroy the beautiful spirit in each of them but rather to tame it, disciple it, and bring it into submission to their Creator, by His strength.

It guides me on how to spend my own days and how to develop the culture in our home, when I remember that I am called to nurture, to create a place where they can safely explore the way that God has made them to be, and also learn how to live their lives in submission to Him. That we are to be surrounded and surround ourselves by the Gospel as emphasized in Colossians 3:16 -- Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God, dwelling in Him and Him in us, through all that we do.


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