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"I will go before you"

Today was one of those days where I had itemized the list, partially because I had a lot going on but mostly because there were a number of things on the list that I didn't want to do. Dragging my feet going into a Wednesday isn't how I like to start it, especially not a 50 degree day in February that is also Valentine's Day and the first day of Lent.

For me, the past few months have been a season of just doing the next right thing, even if they aren't my favorite things to do and even if they don't seem to be getting us anywhere. And so after a fairly long period of doing that, you start to wonder if you are really doing the right things - if they are eventually going to land you where you should be, or not. Am I redeeming my time well? Do I need to be nudging our family in any particular different direction? What does it look like to number my days right now? Rhythm and routine is good, and lists have their place, but will I know if I have lost sight of the overarching vision or direction we need to be heading?

So when I sat down with sunshine on my back and coffee at my side and opened the Word this morning, I found great comfort in Jesus' words in Mark 14: "I will go before you to Galilee". It comes on the end of giving His disciples a number of very specific instructions and clear details about exactly how to prepare the Passover, where they would find the things that they needed, and who to ask about them. It also comes after He has told them that they would be scattered as sheep when He was struck. But then He speaks this phrase and it is a comforting oasis in the midst of a lot of words that, were I a disciple, would have felt unnerving to me: "I will go before you."

I can trust that each task that He leads me into is purposeful, redeemable, and under His watchful eye. In God's economy, nothing is wasted, and so I can believe that each little experience is something that He has thoughtfully laid out and prepared for my good and for His glory. As I follow step by step, I can know that He has the entire plan in mind, and that He is going before me.

"When all I see is the battle, You see my victory

When all I see is the mountain, You see a mountain moved

And as I walk through the shadow, Your love surrounds me

There's nothing to fear now for I am safe with You

So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees

With my hands lifted high

Oh God, the battle belongs to You

And every fear I lay at Your feet

I'll sing through the night

Oh God, the battle belongs to You

And if You are for me, who can be against me? Yeah

For Jesus, there's nothing impossible for You

When all I see are the ashes, You see the beauty

Thank You God

When all I see is a cross, God, You see the empty tomb

So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees

With my hands lifted high

Oh God, the battle belongs to You

And every fear I lay at Your feet

I'll sing through the night

Oh God, the battle belongs to You

Almighty fortress, You go before us

Nothing can stand against the power of our God

You shine in the shadow, You win every battle

Nothing can stand against the power of our God"

Battle Belongs, Phil Wickham


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Hi, I'm Hannah.

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