There's two songs that became the most recent additions to my "2021 playlist" this past week - His Heart Beats by Andrew Peterson and Tell your Heart to Beat Again by Danny Gokey. I'm not going to post the lyrics here but please go look them up and listen to them - both are so powerful in their own way.
It's fitting, though, that they came to me together... these two songs landed a spot in my music collection one right after the other, and it only makes sense because my heart can only beat because His does. My steps can go no further than His lead, and my wisdom cannot exceed what He provides. He is both my full limitation and my full freedom, and it is a paradox that's intended for my good. He offers it as rest from having to prove myself beyond what He provides the grace for.
I haven't blogged for nearly two years, prior to that I blogged regularly. God has been working a lot of things in the past couple of years and I'm sure that bits and pieces of those lessons will come out in the posts I write in the future... but for now I will just say that I'm thankful to feel His leading back to a blogging space. I think its important that as His children, we ask Him about the gifts He's given us and seek to use them well, and He's been teaching me about myself and what makes me feel alive and what makes my heart beat... and writing is one of those things.
In a world where the word 'censorship' increasingly sparks fear in our minds, I count it a great privilege to have this blank, uncensored space to type words. I pray that the ones that come forth will be inspired by God and a glory to Him, bringing hope.
